How the Good News Flows Through Us
How the Good News Flows Through Us
June 18, 2007 Comments Off on How the Good News Flows Through UsShovel Writings: 1 Timothy 1:15-16 in context:
“the bottom line of the good news of Christ is ”love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.“ As I had already summarized these in a previous Shoveletter I’ll just paste it below:
LOVE FROM A PURE HEART: Would Paul be referring to anything other than the love that flows from a heart that has been purified by the power of the risen Christ and indwelt by the Spirit of God?Timothy already knew this from having learned from Paul himself. It is in hearing the good news of Christ that our hearts are stimulated to real love for one another for it declares WHO our real life is and WHO is also our real connection with one another.
A GOOD CONSCIENCE: This is nothing less than a conscience that has been set free from sin and made alive to God through Christ. This is the conscience of one who is given confidence through the good news of Christ that there is NO MORE remembrance of sin.
A SINCERE FAITH: Sincere means genuine or real, and it has nothing to do with that pathetic ATTEMPT at sincerity that is often thrust upon us by the religious mind. The only ”sincere“ faith that has ever occurred has been the faith we have received in Christ. It is REAL because something has been done to us to cause us to actually be DEPENDENT UPON God – Christ has become our life. Paul was drawing a contrast between REAL faith and PROFESSED faith. In other words, one was the real stuff, the other, merely hot air.”
This is an excellent article for those dealing with conflict. Yes the law keeps order for the unbelievers. However I pray we can show the mercy of God as he did for Paul, one of the worst of sinners. No one is too far gone. “God do not allow us to hold back Your grace towards unbelievers. ”Do not allow us to see believers as sinners.“ The have just forgotten who they are in You.