Fall to grace — The transformation of a reformed believer
Fall to grace — The transformation of a reformed believer
October 6, 2007 Comments Off on Fall to grace — The transformation of a reformed believerFinally something happened.
The Scriptures began to penetrate my heart. My eyes were opened to the fact that I hadn’t been falling—the Everlasting Arms had held me all along. The fear vanished. I began to taste and understand grace. It was glorious, amazing, indescribable.
Theological and doctrinal shifts, it seems to me, shouldn’t be so emotional. I don’t do theology by experience, by throwing myself off imaginary cliffs. But this was more than just the “mind-y” way I had approached my Christianity for the past six years. This truth penetrated to the core of my being. It captured my heart and laid me bare.
Grace—wow! It wasn’t a matter of me saying, “Oh, cool, the doctrines of grace. What a wonderful theology. To think that my salvation was God’s idea all along—amazing!” No, this was much, much more than that. It was so personal. So intense, so intimate. Grace—God’s grace—for me!
This is a stunning story of transformation from a Bill Gothard driven theology of lies, to a theology of freedom and grace. Well worth the read.