What that guy said!!!

What that guy said!!!

What that guy said!!!

2 Comments on What that guy said!!!
[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adUOGrdaEEc&autoplay=0 150 150]

Ok, just for the record, I have no idea if this is the only credible thing this guy ever said or if his book is pure nonsense. So please don’t take this as an endorsement of the book…

But, some statements are so dead-on I couldn’t care less about the credibility of the source. It still needs to be posted:

Today’s Christianity is caught up in making money off of a parallel universe. We have our own music. We have our own publishing companies. We have our own book stores and we even have our own cruises so you don’t have to hang around with those pesky persons. This isn’t what Jesus intended it to be. Jesus intended to transform people so we could enter the world as a loving transforming presence. Jesus came to love the world — not to condemn the world.

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