The most wonderful time of the year?

The most wonderful time of the year?
August 21, 2014 Comments Off on The most wonderful time of the year?You may be feeling zen now but for many teachers, the start of term is like an onslaught. To help you get ready for a new school year, psychologist Gail Kinman offers advice on how to prepare and how to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year — that time when teachers all over this continent seek professional help as they anticipate the wonders of entitled parents, dysfunctional administrations, school boards which actually fail to grasp even the most basic concepts of how competent education is provided and the resulting stacks of marking generated by our futile homework based use of parents to try and fill in the gaps.
As bad as the system is though, there are good — even amazing — people working (And/or trapped) in it and they still need help — and they need to survive.
And really, the above-linked article is pretty decent advice for anyone trying to cope in 2014’s version of a labour market…