• Early to bed, early to rise… Really?
    Early to bed, early to rise… Really?
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    * You’re useless in the arvo. Early birds are up and at ’em before anyone, and are very productive in the morning, but they tend to flame out by the afternoon. Night owls stay alert longer than early risers before losing their mental stamina. So, don’t ask an early bird to do anything that requires sustained attention more than 10 hours after they wake up.

    * You’re probably poorer. Although their lifestyle has plenty of drawbacks, night owls tend to be better off financially than their early-rising counterparts.

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  • The personality trait which creates success.
    The personality trait which creates success.
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    Why conscientiousness people are so successful

    “Highly conscientious employees do a series of things better than the rest of us,” says the University of Illinois psychologist Brent Roberts, who studies conscientiousness.

    To start, they’re better at goals: setting them, working toward them, and persisting amid setbacks. If a super ambitious goal can’t be realized, they’ll switch to a more attainable one rather than getting discouraged and giving up.

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  • The impact of homework on children
    The impact of homework on children
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    The authors conclude by saying:

    “Given the negative outcomes we find associated with more time spent on homework, our study calls into question the desirability of such diligence and the utility of assigning large quantities of homework in high-performing schools. […] any homework assigned should have a purpose and benefit, and it should be designed to cultivate learning and development.”

    It seems the horrible, wasteful, idiotic culture of pointless ‘busywork’ is alive in well in some high schools.

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  • So… looking for someone to tell you you’re a sinner?
    So… looking for someone to tell you you’re a sinner?
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    Huffington Post

    While going through the course my classmates and I were given surveys to fill out. One of the questions asked was: “Where or to whom would you turn if you were in crisis?” Popular answers listed were “the emergency room,” “a loved one,” “a mentor,” “a crisis hotline,” and very last on the popularity list was “clergy.” When asked why most people responded that they were afraid they would be told they were a sinner.

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  • Proof of intelligent life in Colorado?
    Proof of intelligent life in Colorado?
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    Denver Post

    As if getting married wasn’t complicated enough, a proposed ballot initiative would require mandatory pre-wedding education before couples could say “I do.”

    Lumped onto the hours spent debating centrepieces, picking a photographer, finding the perfect dress and corralling future in-laws, the proposed Colorado Marriage Education Act calls for 10 hours of pre-wedding marriage education.

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  • Why education overwhelmingly discriminates against creative students.
    Why education overwhelmingly discriminates against creative students.
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    In terms of decision style, most people fall short of the creative ideal … unless they are held accountable for their decision-making strategies, they tend to find the easy way out-either by not engaging in very careful thinking or by modelling the choices on the preferences of those who will be evaluating them.

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  • How wise people think.
    How wise people think.
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    Wisdom is the ability to make sound judgments and choices based on experience. It’s a virtue according to every great philosophical and religious tradition, from Aristotle to Confucius and Christianity to Judaism, Islam to Buddhism, and Taoism to Hinduism. According to the book From Smart to Wise, wisdom distinguishes great leaders from the rest of the pack. So what does it take to cultivate wisdom?

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  • How to make good decisions
    How to make good decisions
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    Life Hacker

    In the beginning this is easier said than done. In fact, if you’re reading this and thinking, “How on earth do I just drop thoughts, I can’t help what I’m thinking!”, then that’s OK. There is a process that can help you…

    Let’s imagine you have a decision to make. It could be important, it could be charged with emotion, or it could be really simple and you’ve pretty much already decided which way you’re going to go.

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  • What can stop the plague of obesity?
    What can stop the plague of obesity?
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    The Monthly

    Louise was an educated 35-year-old who had recently lost her high-ranking job and was making ends meet by freelance consulting. Admitted to my ward with pneumonia, she had a high fever and a fast pulse, needed oxygen and was coughing up large amounts of purulent sputum.

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  • The utter failure of trying to teach kids stuff…
    The utter failure of trying to teach kids stuff…
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    What happens if you give a thousand Motorola Zoom tablet PCs to Ethiopian kids who have never even seen a printed word? Within five months, they’ll start teaching themselves English while circumventing the security on your OS to customize settings and activate disabled hardware.

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