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    I, too, had defined forgiveness by the human process I went through in attempting to “let go of”

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  • Fearing Fear Itself
    Fearing Fear Itself
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    Shovel Writings: Reality or Psycho-Babble?:

    “We are afraid of fear itself. We are afraid because of so many verses taken out of context and used to beat us up with until our hearts are bloody and raw and in agony, and then we fear even more.

    It is a very good thing to be secure in our New Identity and realize that MOST fears come from the INsecurity we have been wallowing in and perpetuating for sooo long … fears based on deception and lies that we have fed ourselves and each other.

    The GOOD NEWS of CHRIST, which is also OUR GOOD NEWS because of HIM and our NEW IDENTITY in HIM, is the only thing that soothes the pain of so much insanity and insecurity that we endure.

    This fear feeling is the key difficulty in loving others and God. It is not about the other person at all. Most deep conflicts are not about another. If we do not surrender fears, these feelings reinterpret what we hear. Others feel unloved by distrust. We in turn feel guilty/alone or vice versa. The only solution is consciously resting in Jesus and our new identity on Him based on the true Good News. The basis of our fears is Finished as well.

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  • Faith Even Though We Appear to Feel Doubt/Guilt
    Faith Even Though We Appear to Feel Doubt/Guilt
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    Shovel Writings: Waiting for God:

    “yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Romans 4:18-21)
    If this proves anything, it shows that God does not see as a man sees. No, no, it’s not that He IGNORES reality, for He sees past the illusions and into the TRUE reality of the heart.
    “In hope AGAINST hope he believed”. Do you not see the tension stated clearly in this man who was “waiting for God” to do what He promised? Somehow he was still believing even though he took matters into his own hands. We can argue it all we want, but it’s right there in our faces.“

    This is an excellent article clearly explaining how one walks by faith not sight. We often are so caught up in insanity because we forget who we are in Him and what He has done on the cross.

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  • The Power of the Counsel of Listening
    The Power of the Counsel of Listening
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    Shovel Writings: Just Listen (Michael Daniel):

    “I kept seeing a glimmer of hope and light
    when…you listened to me.

    Your penetrating relevant words were evidence
    that…you listened to me.

    Your tender yet confident words were soothing
    to my hurting heart because…you listened to me.

    Many times you said not a word, but I knew
    without a doubt…you listened to me.

    Even in your silence I heard you say ”I love
    you“ as…you listened to me.

    I saw in your eyes the compassion of Christ
    because…you listened to me.

    Jesus Himself met me where I was as…you
    listened to me.

    Then, a miracle began to happen because…you
    listened to me.

    My own ears began to open because…you listened
    to me.”

    This is an excellent poem that shows the progression of healing pain. One needs to come to the end of himself/herself like the thief on the cross. By listening one comes to the stillness of rest/trust/love of Him in us.

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  • Saul to Paul
    Saul to Paul
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    Shovel Writings: A One-Word Sermon: Paul:

    “So I thought I could see and I deep down didn’t care if I could hear
    anyone else.  But grace (oh, what a phrase!)…but grace abounded for me
    on that dusty road to Damascus where Christ transformed my seeing and
    my hearing.  Christ blinded me initially so I could focus on hearing
    His strong, yet tender voice.  And He called me by my old name, Saul. 
    Imagine that, He called me by my name…my old sin-full, selfish name. 
    How could the spotless Lamb of God speak such a dirty word as that? 
    How could He love unconditionally like that?  That’s beyond me.  That’s
    Yes, He called me by my name…He called me by my name…He called me by my
    name…I just can’t get over the truth that He called me by my
    self-righteous name!  He met me where I was…in my self-righteousness. 
    I am so grateful He called me even when I wasn’t willing to listen, and
    especially when I didn’t deserve it.  
    He called me by my name just as He calls each of His beloved friends by
    their personal names…including each of you.  And He called each of us
    through questions that only He could answer…and each of us were drawn
    to the truth inside those questions…we each were drawn to Truth
    Himself.  ”Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?“  ”Peter, do you
    love Me?“  ”Philip, don’t you know I am the truth?“  ”Oh Thomas, don’t
    you believe Me through my scars?“ ”

    This is an interesting article encouraging the rest in God’s grace. I find it interesting that one can still question with emotion to surrender. It is still abiding/praying with Him in us. I wonder why if traditional Christianity teaches the centrality of confessing sins that Paul did not do it in his writings. Only Saul did it before he was made new.

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