The Big Religion Comparison Chart – ReligionFacts
The Big Religion Comparison Chart – ReligionFacts
August 27, 2006 Comments Off on The Big Religion Comparison Chart – ReligionFactsThe Big Religion Comparison Chart – ReligionFacts
The ReligionFacts “Big Religion Chart” is an attempt to summarize all the complexities of religions and belief systems into tiny little boxes on a single, quick-reference comparison chart.
Yes, this is impossible. As we always warn with our comparison charts, this is no substitute for reading about religions in greater detail, talking with religious adherents, etc.
While not from a Christian perspective, this chart is an incredibly well written quick summary of major world religions.
In particular, note the comment about Christianity. The authors were astute enough to realize that Christianity, as practiced by those who actually get it, has no requirement for doing anything. It is by faith alone. (They do mention that some have added works in as well.) Look over the rest of the chart — Christianity stands alone in that respect.
Though I can’t say much for the Current Lutheran church, Luther got it at a deeper level then 95% of the church today with his four pillars of the reformation:
(1). By Christ alone.
(2). By the Word alone.
(3). By Faith alone.
(4). By Grace alone.
Christianity is truly a gift of grace, received by faith, not through any performance you may have put on to impress others. Anything more than that, any demand that you clean up your act or perform some set of rituals or good deeds — well, that’s not the Gospel.