Swedish Pirate Party
Laws are not made because they are righteous. Laws are made because they advance somebody’s political career.
(It should be noted that these are words that don’t come from a rock-throwing masked guy but from a professional politician in suit and tie.)
And this one:
I sometimes hear people claim that laws exist to be followed. These people are the most dangerous people who exist in society. Tyranny is never upheld through law; it is upheld through thousands of bureaucrats that follow the letter of the law just because they believe in rules and law.
And then this one as well:
A society where people regard rules as general guidelines is a lot healthier for its neighbours and citizens alike than a society where laws and rules are enforced blindly and swiftly.
A little embarrassing that the Pirate Party seems to have a greater grasp of the – yes, pre-cross no less – teachings of Jesus then the church and the two North American nations that purportedly follow such…
May 29, 2011 Comments Off on InjusticeSwedish Pirate Party
Laws are not made because they are righteous. Laws are made because they advance somebody’s political career.
(It should be noted that these are words that don’t come from a rock-throwing masked guy but from a professional politician in suit and tie.)
And this one:
And then this one as well:
A little embarrassing that the Pirate Party seems to have a greater grasp of the – yes, pre-cross no less – teachings of Jesus then the church and the two North American nations that purportedly follow such…