The Law of God/life of Christ vs Just The Law
The Law of God/life of Christ vs Just The Law
August 13, 2007 Comments Off on The Law of God/life of Christ vs Just The LawQ&A: Is Romans 7 our continuing reality in Christ?:
“ The mind of the
flesh cannot see past its own demise, extend beyond its own
confinement, nor understand a choice it cannot make. No wonder
something within us balks at fleshly interpretations of the expressions
of another dimension, that is, from the real.You are absolutely correct, Romans 7 does not define or lay out our
continuing reality in Christ.Instead, it describes ”the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus“ that cannot nor will not be contained,
controlled or defined by the delusion brought on by the fleshly mind.
It demands that who you really are in Christ is not made up of a blend
between the two, but of a life that cannot help but see through the
conclusions of ”the law of sin and death“.”
This is a good article outlining the confusions of the law. I pray we see that our struggle to figure it out may be the flesh. May God allow us to rest in His Spirit.