Access Wikileaks even if the US Gov/corporate sell-outs temporarily muzzle it.

Access Wikileaks even if the US Gov/corporate sell-outs temporarily muzzle it.

Access Wikileaks even if the US Gov/corporate sell-outs temporarily muzzle it.

2 Comments on Access Wikileaks even if the US Gov/corporate sell-outs temporarily muzzle it.

Here’s a quick guide for keyword searching this latest release of cables:

Google Search: Simply type the keyword you wish to search for in Google and add site: to your entry. For example Cablegate search for Putin. (This is a shortcut to using the “search within a site or domain” function of an advanced search–They get you the same results…

Google Cache: You will notice that the links do not work because the normal site is down. Many of them are “cached” by Google, however, so you can just click on that to view the cable. (Minor warning: I have personally found that viewing the cached versions of cables causes Firefox to freeze for a couple of seconds.)

Some of the cables are not cached, for which there is an alternate method: Using the same Google results, look at the url of the cable and highlight everything after .org/. Copy this and paste it onto the end of, which is the new WikiLeaks domain. This leaves you with the direct link to the cable (

Searching directly with the IP address: When I started, I tried this and didn’t get any results. It seems that the new site is slowly being indexed though. does produce some results now. If you want to search the full leak your best bet is still to search with “site:”.

UPDATE: Hosting is back up but DNS is not (due to the US Denial of Service attack killing their DNS registry and new DNS records not yet propagating through the system), you can always browse the main site via IP address as well:

UPDATE #2: Just a comment: Isn’t it interesting that WL can release all sorts of info on wars and classified military documents — and get little or no response. But, then they indicate that they have information on the money brokers of the United States (and the world) that they are preparing to release, and a cyberwar ensues. I wonder where the real seat of power and control in the United States is…

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