Heaven on Earth
April 10, 2007 Comments Off on Heaven on EarthShovel Writings: To him who overcomes:
“This may sound like a denial of reality in view of what you and I see happening in ourselves and would call it anything but ”walking in Christ“, but it is the denial of this reality of our life being in Christ that hurts so many believers and has them reflecting anything but Christ! When we forget who we are, we act and think as insane men, as men of this world. What we need is to be snapped out of the insanity!!! And the ONLY reality by which this can happen is through the miraculous ”hearing“ whereby we KNOW who we really are.
All of the things mentioned to ”he who overcomes“ are the REALITIES of our inheritance in Christ. These are not ”rewards“ such as may be missed out on … ”FOR ALL THINGS BELONG TO YOU, AND YOU BELONG TO CHRIST; AND CHRIST BELONGS TO GOD.“ (1 Cor. 3:22-23),”
This is an excellent article on that Christ took away sin despite appearances.
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